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Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear

 Author: Elizabeth Gilbert  Category: Australia More Details  READ NOW

For me, the best lesson Elizabeth Gilbert writes in this book is about the creative genius being outside of the creator, that we just have to make space and hone the artistic ability to make it justice.

This book is the one I would make a must-read to anyone in the throws of creation. It stokes a fire into the desire to create, bursts any perfectionism away, and stops you from delving into any failures of the past.

I think another lesson and the reason she was so successful with Eat Pray Love, is to bring to the world the concept that artists do not have to be tortured to create, contained in Big Magic. That lesson alone is a great kindness to the world, and the fact that she has been heard, is for me the connecting of the dots, the reason why everything happened for her the way it happened.
