

creative space


This workshop is designed with various forms of learning in mind and different types of people.
During the program, you will go through various exercises to find new ideas for your creative practice, how to make it impermeable to distractions, and become consistently productive.
Most of the exercises will be done individually or in pairs, and minimal group interactions, therefore it is as suitable for introverted people as for extroverted ones.

Participant Requirements

You don't need to be a professional writer or have any professional desires to attend the class, it doesn't matter if you have too much or too little time available, all you need is the desire to develop a recurring artistic practice.
Participants will need their preferred way of taking notes: a notebook and pen, or tablet, or a laptop.
The most recommended is a tablet with a handwriting stylus.
Come with dedication and willingness to work, it will be a day of inspired thinking including during the meal breaks. Bring your own lunch and bottled drink. Water, tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.

Workshop Structure - Morning Agenda

Part 1 - Defining your Creative Space
Part 2 - Limits & Solutions
Becoming impermeable to time wasters
and invaders of space

Workshop Structure - Afternoon Agenda

Part 3 - Going Beyond Limits & Support Material
Case Studies, Self-retreats, Excursions
Creative Space Mastery


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